A god watching over the community threatens to turn everyone into gold should anyone commit a sin. It's an anecdote used to describe the game's most prominent mechanic, The Golden Rule, which is an ever-present threat to the small community trapped in a desolate and secluded city deep in the Roman mountains. The Forgotten City, a narrative puzzle game that started out as a Skyrim mod, uses the principle of decimation as its basis. It instilled not only fear, but a strong sense of responsibility among the legions of soldiers, who quickly learned to self-discipline in the face of such punishment. The one unfortunate enough to draw a white one would be beaten to death by the remaining nine, regardless of their involvement in any crimes against the empire. Soldiers were divided into groups of ten, where each would draw stones.
He was infamous for many things, one of which was his revival of decimation-a harrowing means to control the army by punishing the collective for the actions of singular dissidents. In the years prior to Julius Caesar's rule of ancient Rome, the legions of the empire were led by a wealthy general known as Marcus Crassus.